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More Tarot Wands Cards:
Ace of Wands
2 of Wands
3 of Wands
4 of Wands
5 of Wands
6 of Wands
7 of Wands
8 of Wands
9 of Wands
10 of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands

Other Tarot Cards:
Major Arcana Cards
Suit of Cups
Suit of Pentacles
Suit of Swords
Suit of Wands


Eight of Wands

The "Eights" in the Tarot Deck are often associated with strength. ("Strength" is Card No.8 in the Major Arcana). Some situations require courage and the cards numbered 8 in the Minor Arcana concern taking the necessary action - even when to do so may be difficult.

The Eight of Wands is often associated with travel . Further, it sometimes described as representing "unrestricted freedom". This freedom is not just in terms of what we do or where we go, but also freedom of mind - perhaps even wild imagination.

This card is often visually simple - employing less symbolic imagery than some of the other cards in the Tarot Deck. This may make the card more difficult to read because there are fewer possible prompts for the reader to relate to - therefore it is especially important for Tarot readers to be familiar with as many as possible of the interpretions of this dynamic card.


Keywords summarising the possible meanings of this card include:

  • Arrows of love (incases of questions of romance)
  • Hasty decisions - may be regretted later
  • Progress towards a goal
  • Swift action
  • Too rapid a pace - possibly leading to instability
  • Travel.

Remember that all of the Wands cards in the Tarot Deck have some energies in common. These include, for example, the overall association of the suit of Wands with personal growth and the expression of personal spirit through our work, intellect, or creativity. For further information, also read about the Suit of Wands in general.

Some texts include meanings for "reversed cards", which apply when the cards are shuffled in both order and orientation. This doubles the number of possible "cards" in the deck from 78 to 156. (In terms of the probabilities of obtaining results by chance alone, it is not a simple doubling as once a card has been drawn it cannot be selected again in the opposite orientation in the same reading.)

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