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More Tarot Wands Cards:
Ace of Wands
2 of Wands
3 of Wands
4 of Wands
5 of Wands
6 of Wands
7 of Wands
8 of Wands
9 of Wands
10 of Wands
Page of Wands
Knight of Wands
Queen of Wands
King of Wands

Other Tarot Cards:
Major Arcana Cards
Suit of Cups
Suit of Pentacles
Suit of Swords
Suit of Wands


The Tarot Suit of Wands

The Tarot Suit of Wands is associated with the suit of Clubs in standard playing cards.

There are meanings associated with each of the suits in a Tarot Deck, as well as the more specific interpretations associated with each individual card - and yet more precise meanings pertaining to particular cards in particular locations within spreads.

The Tarot Suit of "Wands" is also known by other names, such as "Staffs" or as "Staves" in some decks.

The Tarot Suit of Wands

The suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire.

It is also associated with the season of summer - i.e. of the sun, which is a "fire", and with the direction "South".

The suit of Wands may be thought of as concerning personal growth and the expression of our "inner fire", through our work, intellect, or creativity.

Expressions such as having a "fire in one's belly" convey the sense of possessing a high degree of energy (determination, and hunger for something - such as a project or purose). The Wands cards can convey very powerful energy, although of course some cards in this suit are less positive and convery a sense of less energy.