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FREE Tarot Readings


FREE Oxford Tarot Reading

First, mentally choose a topic about which you would like a FREE Reading.

Although there are no restrictions about your choice of subject it is best not to ask a question to which the answer is simply "Yes" or "No" as the Tarot is not suited to giving yes/no answers.

Having decided on your subject of interest or concern, put this matter clearly in your mind.
If you plan to choose the "Should I, Shouldn't I ?" (2 Card) spread then think of two possible scenarios that you could decide to pursue.

Reflect on your chosen topic/s for a few moments, then choose your reading from the drop-down menu below. Your reading will appear immediately - after you are re-directed to the page, of course !

Tarot Readings

Note that at the moment all readings are drawn from the Major Arcana (only) of the Oxford Tarot deck.
The full deck will be in use soon - when we have completed preparation of the text descriptions for every card.

Choose your spread:


More about FREE Readings available from OxfordTarot.com:

There is no charge made for these readings, neither is there any other form of "catch":
We do not ask for any information about you - such as your email address.
There is no need to register for this service and so no need to login to use it, or to remember any passwords.

If you wish to print a record of your reading then you may do so. Just proceed to request a reading then print the page that displays your reading in the usual way. However, there is no point in storing the URL (that is, website address shown at the top of your browser) when you are looking at the page displaying your reading as a means of recording your reading. This won't work because next time you visit the page a new reading will be displayed.

Important Note: These pages are intended for entertainment and inspiration only. The material on this website does not include any form of personal, coaching, financial, business, health, or other advice. Users are advised to consult appropriately qualified professionals for help with such matters.